““If you can dream it, you can do it”
- Walt Disney”
Welcome to the Place of Possibility Inc.
Declaration: To be the largest, most impactful non profit organization in the history of mankind through action taken in alignment with our mission statement.
What is possible for mankind? What is possible for you? Place of Possibility has been an intention and dream of mine for years. As with all things, there is a certain timing in the creation and manifestation of what is possible. In the case of the Place of Possibility, it so happened, that the timing of its creation occurred at a critical time in our lives where the possibility of a miracle for my son Zachary was our intention. Zachary was diagnosed with Nut Midline Carcinoma in early 2016. This is a serious aggressive cancer in which only a few (few meaning 3 that we are aware of) in this country, have survived.
In early May we came home from Zachary's first treatment thrilled at the results we thought we were experiencing. At this time the board of directors convened with Zach as the CEO to create and share the Place of Possibility Inc and the results that Zach had achieved, with the intention to pay it forward immediately to others. Shortly thereafter we discovered that Zach had more tumors and the administrative work with the Place of Possibility Inc was put on hold while Zachary's journey continued. It was Zach Dillehay’s choice to not focus on or discuss his cancer or have conversations about death. His entire journey was focused on faith, trust and belief in a full recovery.
After his passing and in contemplating the Place of Possibility Inc., I realized that Zach as the CEO was really the first recipient of its benefits. Zach, through the help and donations of others through YouCaring, gave him continual Possibility for treatment. Our daily focus and intentions offered him continual Possibility of hope for recovery. The love and support of family and friends gave him daily Possibility of peace. Zach's final breaths were supported in the Possibility of what was next. It seems even more fitting now in retrospect that Zach was on the board as founder of the Place of Possibility Inc. My intention is to move forward with the Place Of Possibility Inc. in honor and memory of Zachary. Even though the miracle of him surviving this horrendously challenging cancer was not to be, we experienced and are still experiencing many beautiful miracles as a result of the life Zachary lived.
Our Mission Statement is created as a reflection of the manner in which Zachary treated his fellow man and our board is comprised of those who also mirror the intentions that Zachary held near and dear to his heart. We are a group of individuals coming together to make a difference in this world through the ripple effects that will spread globally as a result of our intentions, efforts and projects. All things are possible so we are not limiting our scope of impact, we are here for all possibility, however, we do have laser focus on our core values and the campaigns that manifest as a result of them.
Place of Possibility Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization that operates through the charitable contributions of others. One project that will remain an ongoing focus for us is Our Giving Campaign to support families who hear the inconceivable words we heard on our journey with Zachary, “Your child has a terminal diagnosis, there are no survivors of those diagnosed with this disease”. And in our case, not only did we have to hear them, we had to say them, to our precious son. By supporting these families we are honoring the complete journey of Zachary’s life by focusing on treating others with kindness and making this world a better place and when the greatest challenge of all presents, knowing there are others out there who have walked that same journey and are here to make their possibilities a reality.
From my heart to yours,
Sydney (Zachary’s Mom)