“People are like presents, it's not known what amazing things could possibly be contained within until you open them up”
Meet Our Angels of Possibility Making Major Waves in the World
These individuals have been in the mix of our journey for varying amounts of time but have all risen to the surface by demonstrating their hearts through the amazing acts of kindness they have bestowed upon us in our journey with Zachary and beyond. Please welcome them into your hearts and feel free to either offer to, or ask for, help, as they partner with Place of Possibility Inc as we embrace our mission statement and make a difference for mankind.
Michelle Wilder, Ambassador of Possibility
Many people care and share their heart, some people contribute financially, a few people take action and volunteer. Our Ambassador of Possibility, Michelle Wilder is all those people wrapped into one and then some. Her heart is amazing, her generosity is consistent and not only does she take action, she takes massive action!! It’s a common saying that it’s not what people say they will do, it is what they actually do, and Michelle is that doer.
Around 5 years ago, Michelle saw our event Bowties and Butterflies and was curious about our mission and excited to have an opportunity to dress up. That evening our story touched her heart deeply and Michelle has attended every single Bowties & Butterflies since. Last year she was the recipient of the esteemed Butterfly of the year award which goes to the organization’s volunteer that has stood out in support of our mission.
From that point on Michelle has embraced our mission, our events, our families and has gone way above and beyond in pounding the pavement, firing off texts and emails and phoning anyone she can think of to support Place of Possibility Inc.
We couldn’t be more appreciative of all Michelle is doing and we thank you for supporting her and us in our mission to make a kind difference in the world in honor of Zach and families who have a child on hospice through Project Parent.
Christina Jo Collette, Mommy Goddess of Possibility aka Nicholas’ Mommy
Project Parent Liaison
Meet Christina Jo Collette, aka Nicholas' Mommy
In November of 2020 Place of Possibility learned of Nicholas' journey with brain cancer and they became a Project Parent Family. In addition they were one of a few families we were able to create Christmas for that year purchasing gifts for Nicholas, his sister and parents as well as groceries for a holiday meal. The hopes are always for a miracle but Nicholas passed on Dec.3rd 2020 the day before his sister's birthday on Dec 4th and 2 days prior to Zach's birthday of Dec 5th.
Christina stayed connected with Place of Possibility and volunteered to be a facilitator for 3 families in 2021 during the holiday season ensuring that each family had special gifts for everyone. In addition she and her family made the trip to Florida in December of 2021 to attend the 5th Annual Bowties & Butterflies Blacktie Dinner Gala. Christina has demonstrated such love and compassion for others even as she herself was experiencing a shattered heart over the passing of her son. She has made the connection with other families to Place of Possibility Inc. Christina is now doing even more as she becomes the lead liaison with Project Parents Families through Place of Possibility Inc.
Kelly Lamoriello, Princess of Possiblity
Master Miracle Worker of Event Production
It was no chance meeting the night of November 30, the evening before the 2nd Annual Bowties and Butterflies Blacktie Dinner Gala. I was sitting waiting for helpers to arrive at the Westin Lake Mary and chatting with people at the back bar. There was a couple at the other end of the bar and as I was about to leave the woman said she couldn’t help but hear a bit about what we were doing. I shared briefly about Place of Possibility Inc to which she asked if we were looking for any help. She mentioned that she had been asking the universe to line her up with an opportunity to work with her passion and make a difference in the world. I shared that I had been asking the universe to bring me someone passionate about our mission and making a kind difference in the world. All that being said…please welcome Kelly Lamoriello a true princess of possibility as our Event Miracle Worker!
Kelly is a sweetheart who just feels for people. Her compassion and ability to hold space and listen to others is a special gift. In addition her attention to detail and the big picture simultaneously makes her a gift to treasure in the operations of our events and fundraising schedule. I am grateful for the connection to Kelly and welcome her to the team of angels volunteering for Place of Possibility Inc.
Anthony De Rosa
Lead Inovotator of Possibility
Anthony DeRosa messaged me out of the blue, not coincidentally, on Zach’s birthday December 5th, 2018. He said that he knew we never met, but he had met Zach through one of his friends and he took an instant liking to him. “he was a great kid” Anthony wrote to me. So, touch my heart already but then he went on to say that he would love to help out with our Bowties and Butterflies event.
It took us several months to actually connect over juice but from there it has been steady swift forward motion with Anthony helping and creating with our event schedule. Anthony is a sensitive, compassionate individual with a special sparkle about him. He is quick and flows naturally with his creative flare. Anthony will be facilitating the creation of events and fundraisers and all that goes along with it as our Lead Innovator of Possibility. Welcome Anthony to the team of angels of possibility!
Aimee Arsua
Goddess of Graphic Creation
Aimee is just an earth angel in the truest sense of the word. Sweet delicate and creative, Aimee took over our graphic design in early in 2018 and was awarded the Butterfly of the Year Award at the 2nd Annual Bowties and Butterflies Blacktie Dinner Gala. She donated her time to create all of our graphics and files for print for our events and web use. Aimee and Husband Mark are no strangers to our family. Aimee worked in our office in the early years of our business and knew Zach and his siblings in their younger years. Mark generously donates to our mission from his business and his heart as he helps with so many miscellaneous details that pop up in the technical aspects of our productions. I, as well as the team of possibility, are so very grateful for all Aimee and Mark offer the Place of Possibility Inc in making a kind difference in this world.
Carol Brady
Head of Committee of Volunteer Projects
Carol Brady knows how to take charge from her heart and displayed this gift of giving as she continually reached out to us asking how she could help during the entirety of Zachary’s journey with Nut Midline Carcinoma. On a weekly basis, I received the sweetest calls and messages from Carol asking how she could help. From stopping by to visit Zach while he was sick to taking charge of organizing the huge number of offerings of food that were coming our way she was an exemplary model of a volunteer. Carol just wants to give of herself to help others and it’s no surprise that she stepped forward and accepted the possibility of coordinating the volunteers and community service events for the Place of Possibility Inc. Carol is making Major Waves as the Committee Head for our Volunteer Projects.
Angel DeMarino
Head of Committee of Kindness
Angel DeMarino has shared quite a journey of time with Zachary as she met him when he was 11 months old. Angel and I became great friends as did her son Jake and Zachary, and then Zoe arriving with Jakes baby brother Nolan not far behind. Through the journey of 20 years of time we explored many possibilities together and there were also times when our journeys were on a different track. At the time of Zachary’s diagnosis, Angel and I had not been in close contact so I was a bit surprised when she flew from Cleveland to Orlando to be with us during Zachary’s Celebration of Life weekend. It became immediately clear that first night we reconnected, that Angel was an Angel, as she delivered to me the first blue butterfly from Zachary. In the weeks that followed, she did kind act after kind act for our family including 3 more trips to Florida to help me with the daunting task of breaking up housekeeping after Zachary’s passing. Talk about making Major waves of kindness! So who better than the Angel to Head up our Kindness Committee including the Kindness Matching and Wave Making Projects?
Nicole Tenuta
Past Head of Event Fundraising
We wish Nicole all the best as she moves forward with her life and career and look forward to seeing her at future events when her schedule permits. The impact she made with our family and organization will be forever felt and remembered. Much love Nicole goddess.
Nicole Tenuta is a young woman who caught my attention in a big way as she created her own fundraising event for our family. I received this message from Nicole in June of 2016 at a time when our joy and excitement of Zach’s progress was about to be replaced by a journey we couldn’t at that time even conceive of:
“Hey there! So I belong to the Miracles for Zach page and I'm also an LMP alumni Class of 2013. I plan to attend the Cocktails for Zach event at Shula's and it gave me an idea. I work at Friendly Confines in Lake Mary and I would like to put together a corn hole tournament to benefit Zach…”
Nicole, an acquaintance, a young woman who had some contact with Zachary and Zoe through school but being a few years ahead, they weren’t in the same circle of close friends, took it upon herself, to create this amazing event, host it on her own with no input from us and raise approximately $2000.00 to support Zachary’s overwhelmingly expensive routine as we did everything we knew possible to save our son.
The Founding Board of Place of Possibility Inc., chose to hold two annual events as the foundational fundraisers for the organization, one being Black Ties and Butterflies and the second a Corn Hole Tournament. Nicole, a working college student at UCF, studying marketing with a passions for events, was asked if she’d like to do the event again, this time with our support. It was so heart lifting to see the authentic excitement she had for being asked to participate again. Nicole even suggested that she would like to create another event for us and it was at that point I asked Nicole if she would be interested in heading up our Event Fundraising Committee. We are so blessed and honored to have this heart centered Master Wave Maker on our Team of Possibility!