A Peek behind the scenes at what really goes on at the Place of Possibility Inc.
I was inspired today by an interaction I had recently about our organization, to share a closer look at how we operate and what our intentions and successes are. In “real” life there is a considerable focus on crossing all the “T”’s and dotting all the “I’’s. Where it is important to do this when necessary, it also can create a huge impact on resources, treasured resources that can have great impact on the community we serve. At the Place of Possibility Inc. we have the biggest T in the arena of nonprofits that I know of crossed: Trust. And we are dotting the biggest I on a continual basis: Impact.
Our entire existence over the past 5 years, not one person has been paid for their contribution in our growth and mission. All from our web design to graphic design to event teams to consultants and our core group of amazing hearts who connect weekly through the ups and downs and challenges of life…ALL not a penny of our funds paid in compensation. Sometimes this means we are doing our best to put forth a very professional look with skills that might not be as polished as if we hired a professional team. I myself am very impressed with what we have accomplished from all perspectives while being very frugal with our funds. Every penny and I do mean every penny, of the donations from our supporters is carefully accounted for and used for the purposes we state. Our website is full of great information on our story over the years and the projects of impact we are continually working on. Our FB pages are a great place to visit for a more casual look at the events and behind the scenes as they happen. Instagram and Twitter admittedly, we could use some help. Our events are thoughtfully created to have our guests enjoy themselves at a great value while spreading the word of our mission and fundraising for our families and projects.
I think we are finally over the tipping point of the contributions made by Zach’s Dad, Sister and Myself being more than we have raised. At times it was easy to contemplate that we could have just donated our own money rather than put forth the extreme level of time and commitment to grow this organization. However, the mission to be the Largest Most Impactful Non-Profit Organization in the History of Mankind would have merely been a dream instead of a possibility. May 9th, Place of Possibility Inc. turns 5 and I encourage you to visit our website to discover why we incorporated when we did and read more about our Birthday Bash on May 7th.
So, yes, maybe a link does not connect correctly here or there, or there is a misspelling or lack of proper punctuation in a spot or two, or the emails don’t go out as regularly as I’d like etc. Rest assured the Impact in the lives of the families we are helping is paramount. My intention is that the right people will hear of us, some major corporations will possibly take notice of our hearts, an angel donor or philanthropist will be inspired by our story (already happening actually) and our mission will be achieved.
To you, our devoted supporter, rest assured that every donation received regardless of amount is a very appreciated building block in our success as well as every share or mention of the organization to another is yet another possibility in support of our families.
We will continue to do what makes “cents” (sense) here at the Place of Possibility Inc keeping our Big T crossed and our Big I dotted.
With Trust and Through Impact,
From Our Hears to Yours,
Much Love!
And most importantly to this mommy’s heart…Zachary you are my boy and I am your mom and I love your forever.