Our Hearts Hurt

Our Hearts Hurt

It comes up in reaction

Anger, Frustration, Hatred, Helplessness, Depression, Sadness

We deflect in Blame

We look outside ourselves for the answer

How about we look towards LOVE and Compassion.

We want IT to stop, yet don’t do anything til IT happens

We then release our temporary expressions of how it “shouldn’t” have happened

Or how it “should” be different

Then as human nature directs, one goes back to their routine, their program, their life

It’s the few, the few at the epicenter whose lives are forever changed. The few that don’t have the same life to go back to who will forever feel the impact.

Who is born, not being a pure being of light?

What innocent babe??

How does the light become hidden? How does its presence dim?

What is the POSSIBILITY for all to shine brightly?

POSSIBLY ask yourself “ Who can I BE to make a kind difference in this world”

What if we all answered this question…

The answer is within all of us

Love and Compassion


When there are no answers to the biggest questions we ask

When the contrast remains

What do we have?

Faith Trust and Belief

And what can we do?


We can BE Love and Compassion


The Manifestation of a Possibility...

It’s a day to celebrate today!  In less than 4 months’ time, the inception of Project Parent which was inspired by a friend, has come to fruition of a Possibility with great Impact.  The Envelope is ready and the first Parents of the project will receive their donations in the next few days, thanks to the love and support of all those who are making Place of Possibility Inc. a possibility!!  From our hearts to yours Much Love and Appreciation and to my son, Zachary, you are my boy and I am your mom and I love you forever!

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